Find People to Play With

  • These email lists are to assist people in arranging games and finding other similarly skilled players. To limit the number of emails you may receive, we have created multiple lists. Feel free to join one or all. You do not have to be a club member to join these lists.

    Click Here to join the Pickup Email List. Please use this group only for finding others to play with and not for pickleball conversation.

    Click Here to join the Eugene (Westmoreland) Email List.

    Click Here to join the Springfield (Meadow Park) Email List.

  • EVPC believes that PTS is currently the best tool available for finding and scheduling games with other players. It is free to use, all you have to do is create an account. There you can find games by ability, location, how big of groups are playing, and can use it fo private games.

    For more info and help you can see our PTS Help Page.

    Note: PTS is NOT a court reservation system.

  • Use our Member Directory to find players and send them an email. To use this service you must be an EVPC member and have an account on this website.